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Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by

此文被围观3288 日期: 2015-05-03 分类 : 编程开发  标签:  ···

如果在执行php程序时看到这条警告:"Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by ...."

Few notes based on the following user posts:

1. Blank lines (空白行):
Make sure no blank line after <?php ... ?> of the calling php scrīpt.
检查有<?php ... ?> 后面没有空白行,特别是include或者require的文件。不少问题是这些空白行导致的。

2. Use exit statement (用exit来解决):
Use exit after header statement seems to help some people
header ("Location: xxx");

3. PHP has this annoying problem, if your HTML goes before any PHP code or any header modification before redirecting to certain page, it ll said "Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by ...." Basically anytime you output to browser, the header is set and cannot be modified. So two ways to get around the problem:

3a. Use Javascrīpt (用Javascrīpt来解决):
<? echo "<scrīpt> self.location( file.php );</scrīpt>"; ?>
Since it s a scrīpt, it won t modify the header until execution of Javascrīpt.

3b. Use output buffering (用输出缓存来解决):
<?php ob_start(); ?>
... HTML codes ...
... PHP codes ...
header ("Location: ....");


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