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文档标签: codeigniter


公共函数位于 system/core/Common.php 文件中,大家可以在这里定义自己的公共函数。codeigniter,codeigniter自定义方法,codeigniter公共函数...
此文被围观4985次  分类: 编程开发 标签:  ···

In order to use the Session class you are required to set an encryption key in your config file..

In order to use the Session class you are required to set an encryption key in your config file.$config['encryption_key'] = “”;随便设置一个值就OK了。...
此文被围观5765次  分类: 编程开发 标签:  ····

codeigniter,Unable to locate the model you have specified:.

今天在写一个codeigniter程序的时候出现了 Unable to locate the model you have specified:*_model  这个问题对CI不是很熟悉,呵呵!解决方法:model文件名应该是login_model.phpclass Login_model extends CI_Model{          public function __construct(){         parent::__construct();         $this->load->database();     } }class Login&n...


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